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3 things to try with AI, 試試這三個AI技巧

Hoplite Team |

Running an AI platform is both fun and rewarding. 😉

We are honored to work with so many experienced professionals across various industries. Each interaction brings fresh ideas and propels us towards greater AI automation.

One of the most popular use cases is asking AI to generate new content or ideas, closely followed by text editing and summarization. I’d like to share some tips and tricks to enhance your experience:

  1. Use Adjectives and Professions

    When requesting new content, try adding phrases like "write like a passionate singer" or "think like a futuristic bookworm." This triggers the AI's neural network to incorporate more dimensions into the content.

  2. Enforce Logic and Common Sense

    For tackling difficult problems, you can ask the AI to "review your response with logic and common sense." This approach often yields more accurate answers.

  3. Define roles and characters 
    When input text includes names, you can specify the individual's style and occupational role through prompts. For example, "Peter serves as the Project Manager overseeing financial budgeting" or "Sue is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Environmental Science." Providing this additional context aids the AI in interpreting the text more effectively.

Prompt engineering remains an art, and we welcome your suggestions and experiences. 

Please share this to more people and help us to connect with users.





1. 用形容詞和職業


2. 強化邏輯和常識


3. 定義角色和人物

輸入文本時,如果包含名字,可以通過提示指定個人的風格和職業角色。比如,“國明是項目經理,負責財務預算”或 “阿里正在攻讀環境科學碩士學位”。這些額外的信息能幫助AI更好地理解文本。




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